From the Richmond Enquirer, 10/19/1863

THE FLORIDA HOSPITAL. – We have just seen the annual report of the Surgeon of the Florida Hospital, in this city, to Gov. Milton, of Florida, under date of the 26th ultimo. – By this report we find that 1,076 patients have been treated during the fiscal year, of whom only 53 have died, nearly one-half of which latter number were cases of typhoid fever. – Out of 362 cases of gunshot wounds only six proved fatal. The whole mortality is about four and four-fifths per cent. This report is certainly very creditable to the Surgeons, Dr. Palmer and Babcock, and we may add does equal credit to the care and attention of the gentle, energetic and devoted Matron, Mrs. Ex-Governor Reid, of Florida – more familiarly known to her patients as the "buena madre" – of whom, accidentally, we presume, the report makes no mention.

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