From the Richmond Times, 6/11/1901, p. 6, c. 6

Bidding Was Very Light and the Sale Not Closed.

The Van Lew property at Twenty-third and Grace Streets was offered at auction by John T. Goddin & Co. for the trustees yesterday afternoon, but was not sold. The property, with improvements, was started at $5,000, and after long crying $12,100 was bid. The property was withdrawn and will, in all probability, be sold privately. The highest bidder yesterday was Mr. J. A. Reynolds, and it was for the entire block between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Streets and Grace and Franklin, having a frontage of 265 feet and a depth of 327 ½ feet.

An effort was also made to sell a section 187 feet front west from Twenty-fourth Street and full depth, which included the house, but the highest figure bid was $7,600. There is some talk of the Virginia Club securing the property as a club-house site.

The lot at Twenty-fifth and Grace Streets, 30 ½ feet front with depth of 150 feet, was sold to Mr. J. P. Fox for $22 per foot.

The property at Twenty-fifth and Franklin Streets found no bidder.

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