From the Richmond Dispatch, 8/22/1861, p. 3


Lieut. James Gannon, of the New York 69th Regiment, who is now a prisoner in Richmond, in a letter to his mother, says:

Although confined, I enjoy excellent health and am getting stronger every day. The Southern hospitality extended, and we all feel happy at our lot, none having reason to complain of the treatment they receive. We get enough to eat and plenty of coffee to drink. * * We are confined in a tobacco warehouse – a clean, well-ventilated and healthy building, 75 by 80 feet, four stories high, and overlooking James River and a vast extent of country. We receive the papers regularly every morning, but they are all greatly prejudiced and incensed against the North, caused chiefly by the articles inserted in the Tribune and Times, believing them to be the sentiments of the Northern people, which I deny.

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