From the Richmond Dispatch, 1/6/1863, p. 1, c. 3
Prison Items. - The following arrivals were reported at Castle Thunder yesterday: James Montgomery and George Jones, Rodger’s cavalry, desertion; Jas O’Hara and Pat Murphy, do, absent without leave; Jas Hogan, deserter from Battery No. 2; Aaron Black, 14th La. deserter; James Dobbins, co E, and H McDonald, co I, 41st Va. Reg’t, deserters; Geo W Burke, deaf and dumb, and of bad character; Robert Holland and Samuel Waters, sent by Gen Pryor; Jas Ryan, deserter from the ship Richmond, sent by Capt Pegram to be fed on bread and water; E Holmes and Jno H Fisher, co C, 2d N C, desertion. E L Pierson was liberated and sent to his regiment yesterday; also, John Bales, Wm. J. Ray, and Jno Allen. Two soldiers who were taken with the small-pox yesterday, were sent to the Howard Grove Hospital. Henry Jordan was sent to his regiment. Thos Glenn was discharged by order of Major Griswold. Lieut John Brandon, put in for intoxication, was delivered to Col McRae by order of Gen Winder. The Yankees who are to be sent away to-day embrace all those in Castle Thunder and the building opposite.