From the Richmond Dispatch, 10/1/1862, p. 2, c. 5


This Institution will begin its NINTH session on MONDAY, Oct. 6th, in the elegant building on the corner of Clay and 11th streets, lately owned and occupied by Mr. John Caskie. The spacious rooms and splendid grounds of this retired and beautiful place, in close proximity to the Institute, afford an admirable location for the School during the temporary occupation of the institute building by the Government.

The course of studies includes the whole range from the lowest primary to the highest collegiate. Our corps of teachers, embracing ten or twelve, remains nearly the same as for several years past. – We confidently present the past success of the Institute as the best pledge of its future efficiency.

Terms for Nine Months.
(Half payable October 6th; remainder Feb. 15.)

English, in Preparatory Department.................$40
English, in Collegiate Department..................60
French, Latin, or other languages...................25
Music, (two half hours a week)......................60
Drawing, Painting, &c., at Professor's rates.
Fuel, extra..............................................5

Money refunded in case of protracted sickness. For further information apply to


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