From the Richmond Dispatch, 3/18/1863, p. 2, c. 4
A GRAND BALL will be given at the Military Hall (over the Old Market) on MONDAY EVENING, March 23d, 1863, for the benefit of the sufferers by the late disaster at the C S Laboratory on the 13th inst, the proceeds to be handed over for the above purpose.
Committee of Arrangements – J H ???uld, D T Ryan, D Wren, S Robinson.
Floor Managers. – W H Gentry, D Brannan, J Smith, W W ???uld, W S Gentry, Lt E D Fitch.
Smith’s Cotillion Band has been engaged for the occasion.
Ladies’ invitation tickets can be procured from either of the Committee of Arrangements.
Tickets, admitting a gentlemen and two ladies, $3, which can be obtained at the principal hotels and bookstores, or from either of Committees.
Good order will be rigidly enforced.
mh 18 – 5t*