From the Richmond Examiner, 1/13/1866, p. 3, c. 3

LICENSING CRIME. – Yesterday the Bench of Magistrates, who sat in the Hustings Court, united in granting a license to the notorious Puss Rix, the proprietess of one of the lowest of the low moral leper dens that defile Main street – where a doggery in front, and a brothel in the rear, are divided by a door and red curtain. Puss Rix’s “place,” on a small scale, is what the “Concert Saloon,” old United States Hotel, is on a big one. Puss keeps pop and porter, and a few bedizened “waiter girls,” and is patronized by soldiers. The “Concert Saloon” owner, or owners, or whomsoever may be the owner, has a dazzling saloon resplendent with gas jets, a dozen “attractions,” pours forth the strains of voluptuous musick out upon the ears of all who pass, and luring in the husband, father and son.

“Won’t you walk into my parlour,”
Said the spider to the fly;
It’s the nicest little parlour,
That ever you did spy.”

None of your pop here, but the best of wines and liquors are handed round by that beautiful but loose class, of whom one was shot a short time since at this “Concert Saloon,” by the desperado Holt.

Yesterday the Commonwealth’s Attorney, Mr. Sturdivant, announced, from his place in the Court, his intention to call the particular attention of the next Criminal Court Grand Jury to this “Concert Saloon” business. In his opinion they were seriously detrimental to the morals of the community, especially the young men and youth who fill them nightly.

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