From the Washington (D. C.) Critic, 7/2/1887, p. 1, c. 7
Her Removal a Cause for Wide Comment.
CHICAGO, ILL,, July 2. – A Washington special to the News says: “The removal of Miss Elizabeth Van Lew from the position of requisition clerk in the office of the third assistant postmaster general yesterday and her appointment to a $720 place in the dead letter office has excited much comment. Miss Van Lew is a Virginian who was loyal to the Union during the war and for four years acted as a spy, furnishing Gen. Grant information of great value. Gen. Grant’s gratitude was so great that he appointed her postmistress at Richmond, a position that she held eight years. Gen. Gresham appointed her to a $1,200 place in the postoffice department, which has supported her until the present time. Her record as postmistress was excellent, and as a clerk it seems to be above reproach. The president has promised that the case shall be fully investigated.”