From the Richmond Times-Dispatch, 11/6/1912, p. 2, c. 4

Examiner of Revenue Accounts, Now in City, Tells of His First Visit.

Edward L. Mills, examiner for the Department of Internal Revenue, descended upon the local revenue offices yesterday for the purpose of checking up accounts. Several days will be required to complete the work. From Richmond he will travel South for an inspection of Federal offices in several other revenue districts.

Mr. Mills has been in the employ of the government for almost fifty years. He paused long enough in his work yesterday to tell of his first visit to Richmond. It was during the War Between the States, and he came as a Federal prisoner of war. His first view of Richmond was gained through the barred windows of Libby Prison.

“That was almost fifty years ago now,” said Mr. Mills, “and wonderful changes have taken place. I come back to Richmond every now and then, as I come back to an old friend. And every time I return it has grown larger.”

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