From the Richmond Times-Dispatch, 7/12/1908, p. 4, c. 5

Two Men Are Injured by Having Heavy Bars Fall on Hand and Foot.

Dr. F. G. Scott, of the city ambulance was called yesterday to attend H. C. Wood, of Manchester, who had his hand cut open while at work in the Tredegar Iron Works. A hot bar of iron fell on his hand, and sizzled its way through before it could be taken off. A bar of iron fell on C. W. Brandt, foreman of the Stuart Iron Works, and split open half his leg. Dr. Scott had to take ten stitches in the torn limb.

Arthur Austin, an employe of the Lower Gas Works, was prostrated yesterday evening by the heat but was brought round by Dr. Scott.

Mr. Connell, an employe of the Street Department, dislocated his hip yesterday evening by overstretching himself. The hip was set in place by Dr. Scott and the injured man was taken home.

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