From the Richmond Times-Dispatch, 11/7/1910, p. 2, c. 3

Confederate Society to Mark Spot Which Has Historic War Record.

Without ceremony and in the presence of a few members of the association, the Confederate Memorial Literary Society will to-day unveil a tablet at the Tredegar Iron Works commemorating the spot on which the war-time foundry stood. It was there that a large part of the ordnance for the Confederate army and the armor-plate for the Merrimac and the Virginia were manufactured. The site of the old structure is now occupied by an office building, but the company has allowed the society to place the tablet on its walls.

The exercises which will take place at 11 o’clock will be extremely simply. The Rev. Robert W. Forsyth, rector of St. Paul’s Church, will offer a short prayer, and Colonel Archer Anderson will read a paper, giving an account of the works during the war and the part they played in the struggle between the North and South. Edward R. Archer, of the Tredegar Works, will draw the veil.

The tablet itself is inscribed with data showing its most important work and the dates. There probably will be not more than a dozen members of the society present.

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