From the Richmond Times-Dispatch, 8/15/1906, p. 3, c. 5
Distinguished Physician Sleeps in Hollywood While Brothers of Profession Pay Tribute.
The funeral of Dr. James B. McCaw took place yesterday afternoon at 5:30 o’clock from St. Paul’s Church, and was largely attended by a great stream of surviving friends.
The interment was in Hollywood.
The pall-bearers were: Honorary – Vestry of St. Paul’s Church, Board of Visitors of the Medical College of Virginia, Dr. C. W. P. Brock, Colonel Archer Anderson, Mr. John H. Montague, Dr. O. A. Crenshaw, Mr. Howard Swineford.
Active – Mr. William S. Fergusson, Lewis W. Brander, Colonel Thomas B. McAdams, Blair Pegram, Dr. J. P. Davidson, Dr. Ennion G. Williams, Dr. D. D. Talley, Jr., Dr. Edwin Hobson and Mr. Levin Jones.
At a called meeting of the faculty and adjunct faculty of the three departments of the Medical College of Virginia, held on the 13th instant, the following tribute to the memory to Dr. James B. McCaw, president of the Board of Visitors of this college, was unanimously adopted:
“The combine faculties of the three departments of the Medical College of Virginia, with the adjunct faculties, have learned with profound sorrow of the death of Dr. James B. McCaw, so long and so honorably connected with our college. We recall with affectionate respect his faithful service of more than half a century as instructor, professor, dean and president of our Board of Visitors, and that he gave many of the best years of his life to promote the welfare of an institution to which, in the days of his strength, he actively devoted his great abilities, and whose interests he cherished to the last. In common with the whole medical profession of our city we honor his conspicuous learning and skill as a physician, and we know that we speak for the community when we lament his death as the passing from us of a noble and vigorous man.
“We, therefore, to perpetuate the remembrance of the obligation of the college to Dr. James B. McCaw, order that this statement be spread upon its record; and we further direct its secretary to transmit a copy to his family with the assurance of deep sympathy in its affliction, and also to publish it in the daily papers.