From the Richmond Times, 10/10/1902, p. 8, c. 5

Interesting Story of G.A.R. Veteran Who Was in Prison Here in 1863.

Mr. Charles Richardson, a G. A. R. Veteran, from Milwaukee, Wis., who is here seeing the sights with his comrades, told an interesting story of his prison life in this city in 1863, to a Times representative at Murphy’s Hotel last night.

Mr. Richardson was captured in November, 1863, by the Confederates, and brought here and placed in Libby Prison. In January, ‘64, he says, Mr. W. A. R. Nye, foreman on the old Richmond Whig, came to the prison and asked if there were any printers in confinement there. Mr. Richardson responded that that was his trade, and then the foreman asked if he would accept a position if a parole could be secured. The prisoner replied in the affirmative, and soon the foreman returned with a pardon signed by John Winder, who was provost marshal of the city.

He went to work at the case on the Whig and remained there until February 14th, when the escape of 109 Federal prisoners by means of a tunnel caused the calling in of all prisoners on parole. Mr. Richardson says that once while on duty he was sent for by Mr. Winder, who examined his pass and told him to return to work. On his way back to the Whig office he was picked up by a provost guard and taken before Winder. “The worst cussing I ever heard was given that guard by Winder,” said Mr. Richardson.

Mr. Richardson is a most pleasant gentleman, and says he saw a great many things of interest during his prison life here. He delights to relate the story of working on a Southern paper while a prisoner of war in the enemy’s country, and his experience is regarded a quite unique one.

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