From the Richmond Times, 10/6/1900, p. 4, c. 7

Mr. Reynolds Expected to Qualify as Executor To-Day.

It is understood that Mr. John P. Reynolds will qualify to-day as executor of the will of Miss Van Lew.

Mr. Reynolds spent several hours in conference with Mr. J. R. V. Daniel, the counsel for the estate. They went over to Miss Van Lew’s mansion and spent some time in examining her papers and in talking over the affairs of her estate with the heirs.

Mr. Reynolds, as co-executor, will have charge only of the personal property left by Miss Van Lew. There are debts for taxes and other purposes against the real estate. This property will be sold as speedily ass possible to discharge the obligations of the estate.

It may be bought by the management of the Monte Maria Convent, which is to be enlarged, or it may be purchased for a hospital. The heirs desire that it be kept intact, instead of being cut up into lots.

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