From the CSR of William A. Edwards, who served as Chaplain at Drewry’s Bluff from July 1863 through 1865. M331, Roll#84
Drewry’s Bluff, April 27th, 1863
Honble Jas. A. Seddon
Sec. Of War &c &c
The Battalion of Artillery, stationed at Drewry’s Bluff, would most respectfully call your attention to a few acts in regard to their application for a Post Chaplain, made some weeks ago, but which they believe has not yet been acted upon.
The Chapel has been erected entirely at their own expense, separate and apart from other forces here. By permission of Major Drewry, it is situated on his land. Thus placing it entirely under our control.
Very much to our surprise, we learn of the appointment of the Revd. Mr. Ambler as our Chaplain to take charge of it. Against this we would most respectfully protest, as our wishes have not been consulted in the matter, decidedly preferring the Revd. Wm. Edwards, as representing the creed of the majority of professors of Religion in the Battalion, and in every respect better calculated for advancing the cause of Religion at this post.
We would therefore ask of you an early and favorable consideration of our application.
Most respectfully submitted
James B. Jones Capt
South Side Artillery
Wiley G. Coleman Capt. Neblett’s Arty.
B. J. Epes Capt Johnston Arty.
Thomas Terrill Capt United Arty.