From the Richmond Whig, 7/16/1841, p. 2, c. 4
Tredegar Iron Works.
We copy with pleasure a notice from the National Intelligencer of these important works. Their extent and capacity are unknown to many of our own citizens. They are on the most extensive scale, and there is no similar establishment in the Union, better suited for executing orders for very large cast iron work. Or indeed for anything that comes properly within the range of its operations.
The iron trade of Richmond must increase, and the manufactory of iron can be carried on more profitably here than at any other place in the Union.
[Communicated for the National Intelligencer.]
Messrs. Editors: During a recent visit to Richmond, I examined, among other things very worthy the notice of the American traveler, the extensive Iron Works owned by the Tredegar Iron Company, and was particularly struck with the admirable arrangement and permanent character of everything about this establishment; so much so that I instituted an inquiry in my mind, to see how this work would compare with others of a similar character which I had seen in the Northern States, and I cannot bring to my recollection any works equal to those at Richmond, in their general arrangement, or in the complete and workman-like manner in which all of their machinery has been gotten up. Whilst wandering through this scene of industry and Southern enterprise, my attention was called to a huge cast-iron shaft for a cotton manufactory in the village of Manchester. A more perfect piece of work I have never seen of the same size: it is 25 feet 4 inches long, and weighs 9,000 pounds, and I think, from its peculiar shape, must have been as difficult a job for the moulder as any that could have been put in his hands, but the result has proven that the confidence manifested in his skill was not misplaced. To see such a display of enterprise, directed by evident knowledge of the important branch of industry to which it has been applied at the Tredegar Iron works, inspired me with great hopes that the Old Dominion may yet be made to know her true interest and proper destiny in the Republic. If the citizens of Richmond would cease to look to the North for everything, and properly appreciate and encourage the good things they have at home, they would evince a more commendable spirit and pride.
July 1, 1841. A SOUTHERNER.