From the Richmond Enquirer, 6/28/1839, p. 3, c. 3
Heavy and difficult Casting. – On Thursday last a large shaft for a water wheel was cast at the Foundry owned by the Tredegar Company, which is located near the Rolling Mill. It weighed near 4 tons, was 23 1-1 feet long, 17 inches centre, 9 inches journals, 12 3-4 inches core in the centre, and four inches core at the journals. It was done in a most successful and perfect manner. It is among the largest castings of the kind ever made in this country; and cast to the order of the Manchester Cotton Manufacturing Company, who are about to make an addition of another large factory to their establishment. The Tredegar Company deserve great credit for undertaking to fill the order which it was supposed could not be filled except at the North. The preparation for the casting was expensive, and will make it a losing job for the company. But by doing it they show their capacity, and being prepared, they can fill future orders with dispatch. The casting is a beautiful piece of work, a monument of the capacity of the Tredegar Foundry, and the skill of its workmen.