From the Richmond Enquirer; 1/22/1862
FUNERAL OF HON. JOHN TYLER. – The mortal remains of Hon. John Tyler were yesterday entombed in Hollywood Cemetery, where he rests by the side of James Monroe. The body was removed from the Capitol yesterday about 12 o'clock, under the escort of the Public Guard, and followed by the high officers of the Confederate and State Governments, and the members of Congress and of the State Legislature and many citizens and friends, to St. Paul's church; the Armory Band meanwhile performing a solemn dirge. The church was filled to its utmost capacity with citizens from all parts of the Confederacy, desirous a paying the last tribute of respect to the distinguished deceased. An impressive and eloquent funeral discourse was preached by Bishop Johns from the 17th chapter Romans, 7th verse – "Render, therefore, to all their dues; tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor." On the conclusion of the services at the church, the body was again deposited in the hearse, and the funeral cortege proceeded to Hollywood Cemetery, where the final honors were performed.