From the Richmond Enquirer, 9/18/1861, p. 3, c. 2

THE YANKEE PRISONERS. - We ascertain, from official sources, that the health of the Yankee mercenaries, whom the fortune of war have subjected to our control, continues to be quite good; notwithstanding the many disadvantages to which those entrusted with their care, are necessarily subjected. Upwards of 1,700 Yankees are now confined in the several tobacco warehouses selected for that purpose, and some idea of the care and expense involved in their keeping, may be gained from our statement of the fact, that within the past ten days, $700 has been expended for bread for their consumption, and $2,000 for meat. It is estimated in official circles that the aggregate daily loss of these prisoners to the Confederacy, must border closely upon $1,500, or nearly 11,000 each week. It has been found necessary, within a few days past, to discontinue the rations of coffee and sugar hitherto allowed the prisoners, and the deprivation is said to have told more upon the spirits of the Yankees than any other circumstance connected with their captivity. The more candid of them admit, however, that their food, even minus the sugar and coffee, is more plentiful and nutritious than that which constituted their usual fare in the Federal camps. Since the transfer of the more turbulent of their number to Charleston, the discipline and good order of the prisoners have been remarkably evident. A vigilant watch is, however, kept upon all their movements, and idle visitors continue to meet with the same jealous exclusion from the limits of the prisons, which has all along characterized the admirable discipline instituted by General Winder.

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