From the Richmond Dispatch, 8/25/1864, p.1, c. 5
Mayor’s Court, Yesterday. – Recorder James K. Caskie presiding. – Daniel Sullivan, charged with drunkenness and disorderly conduct in the street, was fined five dollars; Dennis Sweeney was required to give security in the sum of three hundred dollars for his good behavior in consequence of alleged cruelty towards his wife and step-daughter; Williams, slave of Cornelius Crew, charged with stealing a bushel of meal from Fanny Carter, was ordered to receive thirty-nine lashes; a whipping was ordered to be given Jacob, slave of George Bagby, for sleeping in the First Market; and Agnes, slave of A. Martin, was discharged for lack of evidence sufficiently strong to convict her of using abusive and provoking language towards Conrad, a little son of Paul F. Larische. The Mayor still continues confined to his room from sickness.