From the Richmond Dispatch, 8/9/1864, p.1, c. 6
The Markets. – Some further decline in prices was manifested in the Second Market on Saturday morning, though they were still too high for the season. A reduction of one-half on the last sales would still yield to the producers prodigious profits. The following prices prevailed: - Chickens, $3 to $7 apiece; beef $2 to $4/lb.; veal, mutton and shoat $4/lb.; cymlings, $2 to $3/dozen; cucumbers, $2 to $4/dozen; snaps, $1.50/quart; cornfield peas, $3 to $4/quart; tomatoes, $3 to $4/quart; Irish potatoes, $2.50 to $4/quart; corn $3 to $5/dozen; onions, $3/quart; Lima beans $5/quart; watermelons and muskmelons $3 to $10, with very few buyers; apples, $1/quart; peaches, $3 to $4/quart; eggs, $5 per dozen; butter, $8 to $8.50/pound.
A report has been in circulation to the effect that Colonel T. D. Ingram, who has been the means of reducing the price of fresh meats in the city markets one-half, refuses to sell less than from two to three pounds of meat to any person. This is not so, as purchasers can be accommodated from half a pound upwards. The Colonel expects another lot of fine cattle some time during the ensuing week, which he thinks he will be able to bring into the market at less than he has been heretofore charging.