From the Richmond Dispatch, 7/27/1864, p.1, c 5

Burglary and attempted Assassination. – At a late hour on Monday night the residence of Mr. William D. Colquitt, in Sidney, was forcibly entered by two men, whose purpose doubtless was to rob it of whatever could be conveniently carried off. After appropriating some few things of a portable character which were in the lower story, they proceeded to ascend the stairs leading to the second, when Mr. C. was aroused from his slumbers by the noise which they were making. He immediately jumped out of bed, and seizing a pistol which was near at hand started in cautious manner in the direction from which he supposed they were coming; but before advancing many steps they heard him and hastily retreated down the steps and into the street through the way by which they entered. They were followed to the street door, where they wheeled and fired two shots at Mr. Colquitt, but fortunately inflicted no injury. – The weapon which Mr. C had was in a rusty condition, and therefore he was unable to do anything with it. From the hasty glance which that gentleman had of them, and as well as the darkness of the night would permit him to judge, he is of the opinion that the daring thieves were two negro men who have frequently been lurking about his neighborhood. The officers have not since been able to overhaul them.

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