From the Richmond Dispatch, 4/18/1863, p. 1, c. 4
Mayor’s Court. – There were but two cases before this Court yesterday worth mentioning. The first was that of Miss Laura Gordon, charged with being engaged in the riot on Main and Cary streets on a recent occasion. The principal witness against her was a little boy named Lawrence Martin, who said she was in the party, and gave him a piece of meat to carry home. The case was continued until the 27th inst.
John Butler was brought up for cutting Albert N Hendler on the head in a street row on Thursday evening. The instrument with which the wound was inflicted (a heavy Bowie knife) was produced in Court. The point appeared to have been blunted by coming in contact with Hendler’s head. The latter was in Court with his head tied up, and looked as if he had reserved a severe wound. Butler was sent before the Hustings Court for further examination.