From the Richmond Daily Dispatch, Wednesday, 5/13/1863, page 1.
Burial Place of Gen. Jackson.
It is to be regretted that the remains of Gen. Jackson could not be interred near those of Monroe, in Hollywood, that beautiful spot, so near the theatre of his glory, where every breeze wafts his renown, and the murmuring waters, as they roll solemnly by, seem to attune themselves to sweet yet mournful melodies of the grave. But, in accordance with a desire said to have been expressed in his will, the body of the fallen hero will be removed to Lexington. This was his place of residence before the war; and there, for years a subordinate professor in the Military Institute, he lived and labored, unknown to the world, and perhaps even to himself, till called forth by Providence to play a part in the affairs of mankind which has borne his name to the remotest corners of the earth, and to achieve a fame that will be grand and enduring as the eternal mountains at whose feet he was cradled; whose long shadows, like those of some majestic cathedral, will consecrate his grave, and whose loftiest pinnacles will derive new sublimity from their association with the name of JACKSON.