From the Eleanor S. Brockenbrough Library, Museum of the Confederacy, Richmond, Va. From the ledger book of Robertson Hospital.

Sallys recipe for Soap

6 lbs grease, 3 lbs lime, 6 lbs Sal soda, 4 gls water.

Put a large iron pot on fire – put the water soda & lime in the pot – let this boil half hour. Stirring it constantly once or twice – then pour it off in a tub – let it settle. Wipe the pot out clean & put the grease in the pot – then pour off the lime & soda water in the grease quickly being careful not to let any of the settlings go in the grease until it becomes thick then let it boil until it becomes soap about 4 or 5 hours if it does not come very easy put more water – one or two tumblers full.

Sallys recipe for Yeast

Half ounce hops - & three pints water boil it well – strain it & cool – Take one & half ounce salt, two ounces sugar – 4 ounces flour add a little of the hop tea to this beating well – beat well for 20 minutes then add the rest of the hop tea – put enough of this mixture in the potatoes to allow you to beat well for 20 minutes – add rest of the mixture & put in jug – shake it half dozen times a day. Put in moderately warm place until worked. Then keep cool.

2 oz hops – 6 qts of water – 6 oz salt – 8 oz sugar – 16 oz flour – 2 quarts potatoes.

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