Printed "Guide for Inspection of Hospitals and Inspector's Report."
1. Date of visit; name of hospital; owner; period of occupancy; rent per month; contract made with whom.
2. Situation of the hospital; health of the vicinity; miasmatic and meteorological influences; nuisances existing; obstructions to ventilation; facilities in yards and gardens for exercise of patients.
3. Construction of the building and adaptability to the purposes of a hospital in different seasons; light and ventilation by windows; supplied with water and gas fixtures; rooms in the building or contiguous buildings for office, apothecary shop, laundry, kitchen, dining rooms, store rooms, bake houses and privies; estimate of expense in fitting up and repairing building and out-houses; capacity of hospital, estimating fifty square feet floor surface for each patient with ordinary wound or disease, and in wards set apart for pyemia, hospital gangrene, erysipelas and typhoid fever, 100 square feet; pitch of rooms and number of wards; number of hospital tents.
4. Medical staff; name, rank and date of appointment of surgeon in charge; name, rank, &c., of other medical officers; if contract physicians, stating, also, amount of monthly pay, and by whom contract made; have the commissioned officers been before the examining board of surgeons; hospital steward's name; by whom appointed; pay per month; is the number of hospital attendants in conformity with Medical Regulations, paragraph 45.
5. Surgeon in charge; has he forwarded duplicates of his special requisitions of medical supplies, in all cases to the Surgeon General - Paragraph 18, Medical Regulations.
6. In transmitting or receiving medical supplies, have duplicate invoices or receipts been transmitted to the Surgeon General - Paragraph 20, Medical Regulations.
7. On taking charge of hospital, were the medical supplies on hand accounted for and reported to the proper credit. - Paragraph 20, Medical Regulations.
8. Are the wards designated by names, letters or numbers; the beds numbered and patient's name, diagnosis, date of admission, &c., on a card at the head of each bed.
9. Does the surgeon in charge inspect each ward and every part of the hospital once daily.
10. Has he placed every ward under some assistant surgeon, making him responsible for good order in the wards, and proper dieting and medical treatment of its inmates.
11. Does he visit daily, or as often as necessary, such cases as require his advice, consultation or active interference.
12. Does he require one of his assistant surgeons to be on duty at all times, night and day.
13. Does he divide the responsibility of the clerical and apothecary departments between his two assistant surgeons as required in paragraph 26, Medical Regulations.
14. Does he require the steward to securely preserve the "hospital stores and supplies," accounting for their issues and distribution according to form 8, Medical Regulations.
15. Are rules and regulations adequate for the ends set forth in paragraph 28, Medical Regulations, conspicuously displayed.
16. Does he require the ward-masters to keep an account of the effects of patients, take proper care of them, and turn over the effects of deceased soldiers to the authorized receiver; to keep a record of hospital furniture, &c., and a weekly inventory of articles in use as required in paragraph 30, Medical Regulations.
17. What is the condition of persons and clothing of patients, and the supply of hospital clothing.
18. What is the condition of the beds and bedding; how often straw changed.
19. What is the condition of the floors, walls and windows of the wards.
20. What is the condition of the spittoons, bed-pans, slop-pails, &c.
21. What is the condition of the kitchen, store-room and kitchen furniture.
22. What is the condition of the food used, and cooking and serving of meals.
23. What is the condition of dining-room, diet tables, times of eating.
24. What is the amount of vegetables, antiscorbutics and condiments used.
25. What is the condition of the laundry and linen-room.
26. What is the condition of the bath-rooms, supply and quality of water.
27. What is the condition of the privies, construction and situation. Use or requirements of disinfectants, and the most efficacious.
28. Have any economical, ingenious or scientific improvements been made in the steward's department.
29. Are the register, order and letter book, case, prescription and diet books, copies of requisitions, reports of sick and wounded, and hospital fund account kept neatly and accurately as hospital records and property.
30. What is the condition of the dispensary, medicines, hospital stores and instruments; note the amount of hospital stores and stimulants used.
31. Condition of the hospital fund (summary); have articles been bought with it that could be procured from a quartermaster or medical dispensing agent, or only articles of subsistence; are any rations sold for hospital fund account, or is the excess returned and commuted for by the commissary; have officers been inmates and consumed rations without charge; are the provision returns kept and compared with the commissary's monthly abstract.
32. Is there anything remarkable in the nature, prophylaxis, treatment or mortality of the diseases and injuries that have existed.
33. Have any ingenious improvements or economical expedients been suggested worthy of honourable mention, or that would be useful to surgeons.
34. Is a rigid sanitary police exercised over the grounds, sinks, privies and garbage boxes; is there a scavenger cart actively engaged.
35. Is there a sufficient guard to protect property, to restrain within the rules and regulations the multitudinous admittance of visitors, and the egress of patients and attendants, to enforce the laws, and arrest and restrain offenders; has confinement, other restraint or courts martial ever been necessary; is there a guard-house.
36. To what extent have female attendants been employed, (or volunteered their aid,) especially in the kitchen and pantry of the sick; in administering medicines and stimulants, and in supervision of the linen-room and laundry; has discipline and hygiene been promoted by their presence and their services.
37. Is noise, profanity, intemperance and waste forbidden and punished; is there any library attached to your hospital or newspapers taken; any chaplain or religious observances.
38. Is any restraint exercised over patients in private quarters; if not reporting punctually, are they reported as deserters; are attendants who do not return at the expiration of their leave ___ absence reported.
39. Any ambulance or other transportation; any dairy.
40. Is there a dead-house; its condition; how are bodies identified and removed; are they promptly and decently interred.
41. Are patients encouraged to report to the surgeon in charge, or his assistant surgeons, any neglect, grievance or ill usage, that the complaint may be redresses and the offender corrected.
Wm. A. Carrington
Surgeon and Inspector of Hospitals.