From the Richmond Dispatch, 3/5/1863, p. 2, c. 5
MOST VALUABLE BUILDING LOT ON THE DOCK AT AUCTION. – We will sell on MONDAY, 9th March, 1863, commencing at 12 o’clock M, that very valuable Lot on the south side of Cary street, between 20th and 21st streets, adjoining the Towing Company’s lot and the property of the late John Enders; extending from Cary to Water or Dock street, having a front of 44 feet on each of the above-named streets, and a depth of 120 feet.
The proximity of this property to water navigation and the York River Railroad renders it the most desireable property now to be obtained in the entire city for mercantile purposes.
TERMS. – One third cash; balance at 4 and 8 months, for negotiable notes, secured by trust deeds. Taxes for 1863 to be paid by the purchaser.
Immediately after the above sale we will sell a Lot of 22 feet, situated at the corner of Cary and 23d streets, extending southwardly about 100 feet to Dock street. This is the first lot west of the depot of the York River Railroad, thereby rendering it exceedingly valuable for any kind of business.
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