From the Richmond Enquirer, 6/19/1862, p. 1, c. 7

A SOOTY DODGE. – A desperate character, confined in Castle Godwin, for desertion from Capt. Marmaduke Johnston's Battery, known as John Keyser, alias Wm. Shultz, blacked his face over with soot, on yesterday, and getting possession of an old basket, hobbled out, in negro fashion, and succeeded in passing the guards. Some of the negroes about the establishment, struck with the peculiarity of "dat nigger," expressed their suspicion of the genuineness of his color, and suggested the propriety of pursuit. The proposition was heeded at once, and, after a brisk chase over Butcher town Bottom, Keyser was overtaken, captured and brought back. For his attempt to escape, he was ordered to be punished severely, by the process peculiar to prisons, of "bucking."

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