From the Richmond Dispatch, 12/11/1879, p. 4, c. 2

By Grubbs & Williams.
Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers.
No. 4 Eleventh street, between Main and Bank.

VALUABLE SAW- AND GRIST-MILL IN HANOVER COUNTY, NEAR TO MECHANICSVILLE, AND KNOWN AS ELLERSON’S MILL, FOR SALE AT AUCTION. – We will sell at auction, on the premises, on MONDAY, December 15, 1879, at 12 o’clock M., the very valuable MILL PROPERTY situated as above described, being six miles from Richmond, three fourths of a mile from Mechanicsville, and on the road to Cold Harbor.

The MILL-HOUSE is two stories high and was built expressly for manufacturing purposes, and while there is at present but one pair of stones in it, yet it has strength and capacity for several pairs. The Mill is situated upon a never-failing stream and enjoys a good neighborhood custom, which could be largely extended by close personal attention. There is in addition to the Saw- and Grist-Mills a comfortable MILLER’S HOUSE with three rooms, and about ONE AND ONE EIGHTH ACRES OF LAND attached, affording a productive garden.

This is a desirable property, and should attract the attention of millers and capitalists generally.

TERMS: One fourth cash; balance at six, twelve, and eighteen months for notes with 6 per cent. Interest added, and secured by a deed of trust.


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