From the Richmond Dispatch, 8/23/1867, p. 1, c. 4

FESTIVAL AT DR. GAINES’S, IN HANOVER – ADDRESSES BY MAJOR STILES AND REV. T. W. HOOPER – FESTIVAL CONTINUED TO-DAY – ANOTHER ADDRESS BY MAJOR STILES. – This interesting affair took place on yesterday, and, considering the frequent showers and promise of heavy rain in the forenoon, was well attended by people of the town and country.

The eloquent appeals of the speakers made all declare for the immediate restoration of Beulah, and wish that the proceeds of the day might be ample for the object. The hospitality of the people of Hanover made all feel that they ought to have a new church, and everything else in reason that they want.

The hospitable mansion of Dr. Gaines was opened on yesterday for the accommodation of the guests attending the festival. The rooms were occupied by tables gracefully served, on which were spread rich attractions. And when the dinner hour came, such a feast was displayed as only Old Virginia can afford, prepared according to the best style of the culinary art, nowhere better understood than among the ladies of this region.

After dinner the visitors occupied seats prepared in the beautiful grove, and listened to addresses. Prayer was offered by Dr. Read, of this city. The first address was by Rev. T. W. Hooper, former pastor of the Beulah congregation, which was very eloquent. We have no room for a sketch of it.

Major Robert Stiles next addressed the audience. His graphic descriptions of scenes which took place near Beulah during the battle of Cold Harbor, in which he was constantly engaged from day to day, were heard with deep interest. He made a strong appeal in behalf of the church.

The addresses concluded the proceedings of the day. It was announced, however, that the festival would reopen today at 2 o’clock, and continue till 10 tonight. A cordial invitation is extended to the people of Richmond to attend.

Another address is to be delivered this afternoon by Major Stiles.

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