From the Richmond Dispatch, 12/1/1862, p. 1, c. 4

Prison Items. – The following prisoners were received at Castle Thunder on Saturday from Staunton, viz: Henry Rapur, a Yankee, charged with rape; Jacob and George Thrasher, disloyalty; Bernett; Martin and Frank Hartman, Yankee spies; D. B. Wade, company F, 25th Virginia, for deserting to the enemy and taking the oath of allegiance to the United States; David Ballance, 70th North Carolina, for having forged papers in his possession. On the same day, Patrick Foster, of the Alexandria Artillery, was brought to the prison to be fed on bread and water. James Walsh, of the Dean Light Artillery; H. A. Prince, company D, 5th Louisiana regiment; Josse Bades, company D, 18th Virginia battalion; John Glenn, 1st Va. Battalion; and Dan'l O'Conner, were arrested and put in the same place for deserting from their respective commands. Wm. Johnston alias Charles Moon, a member of Rodgers's cavalry, was put in for desertion, and James Pearson of the same company, was looked up for his pass to Johnson Moon.

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