From the Richmond Enquirer, 5/17/1839, p. 3, c. 5
Tredegar Rolling Mills and Foundry, Richmond, Va.
THE Tredegar Iron Company beg leave to inform the public that their Rolling Mill and Forge are now in complete operation, and they are prepared to execute, at the shortest notice, order for every description of bar iron, either hammered or rolle, embracing
Flat Iron from 5-8 to 12 inches wide
Round and square, 3-16 to 4 do do
Hoops, 3-4 to 2 1-2
Band, 2 to 6; box and tanks iron;
Railroad Axles, hammered on the most approved plan and warranted; Splicing Plates for railroads, cut and punched to order; railroad iron do.
In connection with their Rolling Mill and Forge, the Tredegar Company have erected and extensive Iron and Brass Foundry, Smithing and Machine Shop. In this department of their business, they are prepared to furnish all descriptions of Castings for railroads, mill gearing, and other purposes, and to have the same fitted up in the very best manner, having secured the services of the most experienced and skillful artizans that could be obtained.
Having entire confidence in their ability to serve the public upon as good terms and with as good work as any similar establishment in the Union, they respectfully solicit a share of their patronage.
President Tredegar Iron Company.
May 17 [3 – tf]