From the Richmond Dispatch, 10/4/1862, p. 2, c. 2

To be Shot. – Patrick McGowan and John Kellaher, two soldiers belonging to Virginia regiments, are to be shot to-day at 11 o'clock, at Camp Lee, under the direction of the Provost Marshal.

We learn that the two unhappy men will be started from Castle Thunder to the place of execution at a quarter before 10 o'clock, in a carriage, attended by a cavalry escort. No doubt to make the scene as impressive as possible, all the soldiers that can be gotten together will be paraded on the Fair Grounds to-day. Up to last night we are inclined to believe that the condemned men indulged the hopes of being pardoned. That idea seemed to fade from their minds as the sun slowly sunk to rest and no tidings of a respite arrived.

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